Spring Equinox Soiree

Spring Equinox Soiree

So, What Happened at the Soiree??? Third in a series of quarterly gatherings based on being together. It didn’t rain, yay!  I figured out too late that when you put an event on FB, you have to “invite” people.  I laugh at myself.  Is there, please, a...
Sew! Adventure!

Sew! Adventure!

 Pictured is a section of a small improvisational quilt I made recently from T-shirt scraps. Tomorrow I set out on a 2 week adventure to design and sew. Look out Ohio! I’m heading for the Crow Barn for 2 weeks of workshops of Improvisational Design Exercises for...
Every quilt a story. Every stitch a prayer.

Every quilt a story. Every stitch a prayer.

  Quilt making as a spiritual practice.  Making for others.  Giving of time and talent. Gratitude. When I start a t-shirt quilt, I get to touch all the shirts and lay them out and cut them up.  I get to know the person who wore them.  It’s like the person is...
Room For One More

Room For One More

  It seems that we humans sometimes act like animals, dog eat dog, survival of the fittest.  Mother Nature is often quite too violent for me. Lions chasing down gazelles, I cannot watch.  Can’t we all just get along?  Is survival always at the expense of someone...

Every Little Bit

 An old Spiritual sings, “Every little bit…added to what you got…will give you just a little bit more.” I sing it in the car, in the studio, in the shower. This helps me to keep going.  How about you? Sing it...